
Prototype Test

A/B Prototype Test: An Accenture Interactive Project


A/B e-commerce concept test for sneakerheads 👟

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This retail client had multiple prototypes for a mobile “shop the look” design & wanted to know which would resonate most with users to get them to use the feature and shop.



The client’s retail partner needed to know which prototype design is more likely to drive more engagement with the “Shop the Look” feature on PDPs.


research method (4 weeks)

Unmoderated usability test on

research plan


The team performed an unmoderated usability test on 4 (A vs. B, C vs. D) different shop the look prototypes, comparing one versus another. Users were asked to find shop the look products to see if the position, design, and messaging of the feature impacted the user's willingness to interact with Shop the Look.



  • Users like “Shop the Look” prototypes that made it easy to find the feature, doesn't distract from the main product, and provides access to additional details before adding to cart. 

  • The design team combined two features of two different prototypes to then perform an A/B test on the live site.


Additional Samples of Work Available Upon Request